17 April 2014

The Frankly APP

This is not a beauty post, but it is an awesome post about an app that i think is super awesome! I found it in the APP store one day just scrolling through the free section of the store and found 'frankly' . 

I decided that I wanted to tell you all about it because I don't want to be just another blogger sitting behind a computer at home, and not have any sort of interaction with you guys! Yes, I have twitter but I am going to be honest here… I normally only check twitter when I tweet or get a notification. These times when I do check it, it is normally for 15-20 minutes at a time but thats not a lot of time when you look at the day as a whole… 

If you want to get this free app you can find it here
   Once (or if) you get it you can find me by going to the friends tab and select add by pin. This is a short code that the app assigns to you…

My pin is: sarahash  
My name should show up as my first and middle name   …   Sarah Ashton

I will always respond! It may take a few minutes for me to if I am in class, or if I am driving I will wait until I get wherever I am going… 

I'm guessing that a lot of people that read this blog have heard of or have Snapchat. And this app is kind of similar, but not entirely. You can still send pictures and video and they still disappear after ten seconds, but you can also just send text! 

You also have the ability to change the size of the text… 

and the background color!! 

And when you get a message it is 'coded' so it just looks like these little squares on the yellow color below! All you have to do its tap it to see the message! After you have read it and the ten seconds is up it disappears from the senders chat and yours so make sure you keep up with the conversation, or else it could get confusing lol! 

This is just a super small look into the app, but I hope you give it a try and add me so we can chat about beauty things, blogging, or anything really! 

You can even add a pin number password so only you can get into the app!!!

I hope to add you, and hear from you soon!


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