07 May 2014


Hi everyone!

You may have noticed that I haven't posted in two weeks now! Don't worry I have lots of things planned! :)    And I don't want to make excuses, but we all know what is going to happen when we hear someone say that. …

If you follow me on Twitter (@PhotoBeautyBlog) then you may have seen a tweet about me getting a new job! I haven't announced yet where it is that I am working, but I might very soon! because it is super exciting.  So the past couple of weeks I have been preoccupied thinking about that as well as school on top of it all.

Now I know what you are thinking, lots of bloggers juggle blogging, school, and work. I will applaud those who do! because I know how much work we all have between those three areas of our life. But its a little more stressful at my college. Instead of doing semesters like a normal college I have 11 week quarters, so the workload is the same (if not more) and we have 9 weeks less to get it all done.  In the world of photography it's a lot to get done especially when editing just a few pictures can become days of editing!

Hopefully soon I will be back to posting more often like I was, but in the mean time I am working on a couple of posts that will be going up soon! I promise.

 Let me know in the comments what kinds of things you want to see in the future or if there are any tags going around that you would like to see me do!!

Thanks for being patient!!!


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