02 March 2014

Introductions are in order!

Hi! And welcome to my very own little slice of the internet, my name is Ashton. I am a Photographer, Beauty lover, and Internet aficionado! I have created this space to share opinions, ideas, as well as tips and tricks on two things that in lots of ways are not really that similar. I hope to combine my love for photography and the beauty industry in a unique way in order to share my thoughts and knowledge with (very simply put) strangers. 

I am not going to 'pimp out' brands in hopes that that brand will give me money or free stuff. I am simply sharing what I like or don't like, and think that people should know about. If the same brand keeps coming up (nothing particular in mind) its because I have found that their products work for me and I want to let someone know incase they are looking to switch up their routine or just can't find what they are looking for and need ideas. 

I'm not quite sure yet how often I am going to post things. Whether I try to post once a week, or post when I find something I am really excited about sharing with you. However, starting out I am making it my goal to try to get a post up every week.

If you (yes, you!) have any ideas or reviews that you would like to see definitely leave it in the comments, tweet me, or email me your suggestions and I will check them out! 

I am on Facebook! ( https://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Photographers-Beauty-Guide/475046345952112 ) You can also find me on Twitter @PhotoBeautyBlog and on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/photobeautyguid/ ! Another way to keep up with when a new post goes up is to follow me on Bloglovin! https://www.bloglovin.com/sarahashton

http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/11888059/?claim=mxp5jvs5akq">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

I am super excited that you have stumbled across my slice of the internet, and I hope you stick around to see whats in store! 


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